
AHCPRの褥瘡予防のガイドラインを読むと、Mechanical Loading and Support Surfaces 「力学的負荷と支持面」という項目があります。その項の目的はProtect against the adverse effects of external mechanical forces: pressure, friction, and shear. 「圧、摩擦、ズレという外力による望ましくない影響から守ること」と書いています。

 1. Repositioning 体位変換

Any individual in bed who is assessed to be at risk for developing pressure ulcers should be repositioned at least every 2 hours if consistent with overall patient goals. A written schedule for systematically turning and repositioning the individual should be used. (Strength of Evidence = B.)


Rationale. 根拠

There are data supporting a negative relationship between the number of spontaneous movements that bedfast, elderly individuals make and the incidence of pressure ulcers (Exton-Smith and Sherwin, 1961).

 寝たきりの高齢者の自発的な動きの頻度が減ると褥瘡が増えるという相関関係があることが1961年にExton-Smith and Sherwinにより示されている。

The panel reviewed two clinical trials in which investigators manipulated the repositioning schedule and measured the effect on the incidence of pressure ulcers in at-risk elderly individuals.


In one of these trials, patients who developed fewer pressure ulcers were those who were turned every 2-3 hours when their risk for developing pressure ulcers increased (Norton, McLaren, and Exton-Smith, 1975).

 Norton, McLaren, and Exton-Smithが1975年に発表した研究では、褥瘡の危険性が増したときでも、2-3時間ごとに方向転換された人は褥瘡の発生は少なかったと報告されている。

In the absence of a suitable control group and statistical testing of outcomes, these results must be viewed tentatively.


In the one randomized, controlled trial that the panel reviewed, unscheduled, small shifts in body positioning had no significant effect on the incidence of pressure ulcers in 19 residents of a long-term care facility (Smith, and Malone, 1990).

 もうひとつはSmith, and Maloneが1994年に行った乱数化対照試験であり、長期ケア型施設の入所者19名をスケジュールを立てずに、小さな体位変換をしたが、褥瘡の発生頻度に明らかな差はなかったというものである。

However, patients in both the experimental and control groups were turned every 2 hours.


The beneficial effects of these significant changes in patients' positioning may have overshadowed any beneficial effects derived from the smaller shifts in body position that constituted the experimental intervention.
